A black and red poster with various electronic devices.

About Electronic Resource Associates, LLC

Electronic Resource Associates, LLC is a technological leader and national service provider of electronic offender monitoring equipment. We can provide unique program solutions for any customer need.

Electronic Resource Associates, LLC (ERA) was formed by 4 National, Bail-only Insurance Companies to deliver Electronic Monitoring and related products to its agency forces and the entire Bail Industry.

This joint venture will develop and distribute innovative products and services tailored to the needs of the bail bond industry to enhance bonding opportunities and improve risk management.

Our goal is to provide our customers with a safe alternative to incarceration and an electronic monitoring product that is reliable, easy-to-use, and affordable. With today's economy, the task facing our local and state agencies is more challenging than ever. Jails are overcrowded and understaffed, while operating budgets are being reduced or eliminated entirely. With a limited availability of equipment and shrinking budgets, law enforcement agencies cannot meet the ever-increasing demands of their electronic monitoring needs. Choosing the right supplier is critical. ERA is here to provide an economical and reliable solution to these challenges.

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A woman in blue shirt standing next to trees.

Unparalleled commitment to service and support

With Over 30 years of industry experience

Lani Johnson

National Sales Director
Ms. Johnson brings an extensive history of industry knowledge to Electronic Resource Associates, LLC, and has proven herself with Over 30 years of professional experience in the electronic monitoring industry.

Ask About Our Special Incentives

For Agents of The National Bail Insurance Companies Below